Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

Envato Mail - Issue #30 - February

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Announcing Android.AppStorm

Announcing Android.AppStorm

Android.AppStorm is here! Get ready for fantastic daily updates covering the latest Android apps, news, how-tos, and roundups of the latest and greatest Android software.

We're incredibly lucky to have an awesome editor for the site, in the form of the multi-talented Michael James Williams. Already the co-editor of Activetuts+, Michael is a freelance Flash developer and technical writer.

It's worth mentioning that if you're interested in writing for the new site, you should shoot Michael an email at I'm sure he'd love to hear from you.

Subscribe to Android.AppStorm

WooThemes selling Drupal and EE themes

WooThemes selling Drupal and EE themes on ThemeForest

We're super excited to announce that WooThemes has just started selling some high quality Drupal and Expression Engines themes over at ThemeForest!

Some of their best selling blog and magazine layouts are now available for quick and easy download. Be sure to head over and check out what's for sale!

Get Going with Google AdWords new Rockable book

Rockable Have a New Book: Get Going with Google AdWords

Rockable Press have just released their latest book: Get Going with Google AdWords. It's designed with the beginner in mind, "and will help you get started with setting up simple, water-tight campaigns to promote your blog, website or business."

Nguyen has put together an "easy to grasp" guide on what AdWords are, what using them can do to give your site that added exposure and how to get started using them right away.

So if you're new to Google AdWords and what an easy-to-understand guide of how to get started or if you just haven't been able to wrap your head around this valuable tool before, this book is for you. Pick up a copy of Get Going with Google AdWords Now!

Motion Graphic Quality Standards Have Been Raised, A LOT!

Motion Graphic Quality Standards Have Been Raised, A LOT!

The time has come again to raise the bar in terms of quality within VideoHive's largest section. Motion Graphics was the section that started it all. Once residing on FlashDen, the small section grew into a large section, which then became VideoHive. We feel the section has grown to contain the full range of possible file types, and now that we've reached this point it's time to shift gears and focus on quality.

The last raise in quality standards brought with it a slightly higher requirement to get a file accepted in this section. We weren't just looking for files that functioned, we wanted files that looked nice too. This time, the standards aren't just raising, they're sky rocketing. The reasoning for this is to help prevent saturation, while also ensuring that we're offering our buyers the best possible file selection.

Read more about the quality standards.

Two New Sessions on Psdtuts+ Divider

Two New "Sessions" on Psdtuts+

Be sure to check out the two new Photoshop sessions over at Psdtuts+:

Photoshop Basix, is a series of 25 short video tutorials, that will teach you all the fundamentals of working with Photoshop.

Text Effects presents a number of text effect tutorials and inspirational articles to help you achieve the perfect text effect for your next project.

The 3DOcean Celebrity Face Challenge Has Begun!!! Divider

The 3DOcean Celebrity Face Challenge Has Begun!!!

The task of this competition is straight forward: Create a bust sculpt of your very own, personal, virtual star! Think about what makes a celebrity so appealing on screen and try to capture a charismatic personality in a digital sculpt.

Plenty of awesome prizes including $500 spending money!

For more details head over to Envato Notes.


AudioJungle's Gareth Coker Featured on the UK Trailer for Divider

AudioJungle's Gareth Coker Featured on the UK Trailer for "The King's Speech"

How talented are our AudioJungle composers and music producers? Incredibly talented!

AudioJungle author Gareth Coker wrote the opening cue for the trailer embedded over at Envato Notes. Gareth's piece is followed by some Classical music (feel free to name the composer and title in the comments), then the long cue at the end is Philip Glass. Gareth reports, "I feel humbled to have been placed alongside them…" Congratulations, Gareth!

Watch the Trailer.

Marketplace Front Pages Now Have New Item Filters Divider

Marketplace Front Pages Now Have "New Item Filters"

Our marketplaces received a new feature recently. The "New Items" section on the front page of each marketplace now have filters that allow you to narrow in on the items you're interested extra fast. Visit your favorite marketplace and give it a try. What do you think?

Ask Collis Divider

Ask Collis

Collis is Envato's wise and fearless leader. Every month we'll choose a bunch of your questions, and Collis will answer them. You can add your questions to the pot by heading over to this Web form. It's also a great place to catch his previous pearls of wisdom.

More News From Envato Notes Divider

More News From Envato Notes

If you haven't yet subscribed to Envato Notes, it's where all our latest news gets posted. Some interesting posts from the last couple of weeks:


Free Files of the Month!



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